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Basic Facts about the Czech Republic

Czech Republic in brief

Official title

Czech Republic (Česká republika)


Milos Zeman

Prime Minister

Andrej Babiš


78,866 square kilometres

Neighbouring countries

Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia

Length of state border

2,303 kilometres


10,513,000 inhabitants

Density of population

134 inhabitants per square kilometer


Prague (1.28 million inhabitants)

Other major cities

Brno (385,000), (Ostrava (303,000), (Plzen (170,000), Liberec (102,000)

Administrative language



Roman Catholic (10.6%), Orthodox (3%), Protestant (0,8%), Atheist (39.8%), Non or Undeclared (79,4%)

Political system

Parliamentary democracy


Czech crown - CZK (Kč), 1 Kč = 100 h (haléřů)

coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Kč

banknotes: 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 and 5000 Kč

Time zone

Central European Time (CET), from April to October - summer time

(GMT + 1, GMT + 2)


Temperate, four seasons, a mix of ocean and inland climate, changeable winters, warm summers. The average daily temperature in January, the coldest of winter months is about -2°C, in July, the warmest month, about 20°C.

Telephone numbers

The country telephone code for the Czech Republic is 420.

Important telephone numbers

Police 158

Fire Brigade 150

Ambulance 155


220 v/50 hz

State and public holidays

January 1st - New Year´s Day; National Holiday - Formation of the Czech Republic

variable - Easter Monday

May 1st - May Day (Labour Day)

May 8th - National Holiday - Day of Liberation from Fascism (1945)

July 5th - National Holiday - Day of Slav Missionaries Cyril and Methodius

July 6th - National Holiday - Master John Huss (1415)

September 28th - Saint Wenceslas Day

October 28th - National Holiday - Foundation of Independent Czechoslovak State (1918)

November 17th - Day of Fight for Freedom and Independence

December 24th - Christmas Eve

December 25th - Christmas Day

December 26th - Boxing Day