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"Leaving" by Václav Havel in Husets Biograf

On Tuesday 1 October 2019, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf arranged a traditional film night. On the occasion of this year’s 30th anniversary since the Velvet Revolution we will screen the film Leaving, Václav Havel’s film debut. The film won two Czech Lion Awards in 2011.

Leaving is the story of a turning point in a person’s life. Dr. Vilém Rieger was a chancellor for many years; however, he recently was ousted from his office and he evidently is unable to cope with this on the inside. Although he endeavours to not  let  it  show,  in  essence  his  world  has  collapsed. He  must  move  out  of the government villa,  which  has  over  the  years  become  his  home,  and he  must undergo  undignified  procedures  separating  the  government’s  things  from his private things. Simultaneously - and primarily - he must live through the falling apart  of  his  surroundings, his “court”,  and  realise  how  little  he  knew  it.

Invitation: Leaving (JPG, 258 KB)
Husets Biograf