CHART Art Festival and the performance of the Czech duo The Rodina
23.11.2018 / 15:42 | Aktualizováno: 23.10.2019 / 16:12
From August 31st to September 2, 2018, the sixth CHART ART FAIR took place in Copenhagen at the premises of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Charlottenborg, Copenhagen.
Every year, the festival's artistic reach is expanding, and this year, for the first time, the organizers added an accompanying section focused on design in the Nordic countries, CHART DESIGN.
The festival combines contemporary art, design and architecture and this year introduced the most prestigious art galleries of the Nordic countries. The accompanying program included performances in museums and theaters, workshops, discussions, tours of curators' art works, and various presentations of contemporary visual art.
The Czech Republic was represented by the creative duo The Rodina, which is based in the Netherlands. Duo deals with contemporary visual art and focuses on the overlapping of graphic design (which Vít and Tereza Ruller have studied) into other artistic disciplines. Duo uses installations and performances to alert the upheavals of the modern world. In the presentation of "Unionize" in Copenhagen, they pointed out the danger of overworking and the need for rest. They called for the importance of organizing and joining trade unions.