Puppet theatre Tineola on a visit in Denmark
30.04.2012 / 15:44 | Aktualizováno: 20.03.2014 / 15:33
On 24-29 April 2012 the puppet theatre Tineola performed in Copenhagen and on Lolland.
At the end of April we welcomed in Denmark the Czech puppet theatre Tineola which came to present its authorial play for children Round the World in a Tea-Kettle. The two man group consisting of Michaela Bartoňová and Ralf Lücke showed their play inspired by the English author Edward Lear, famous for his absurd and funny short limericks, in the children‘s cultural house Sokkelundlille Børnekulturhus in Copenhagen and in the club Signe Stub Sognegård in the town of Birket at the Danish island of Lolland.
On Sunday 29 April 2012 the Czech Embassy in cooperation with Tineola and the expatriate organizations Dansk-Tjekkisk Forening (Danish-Czech Society) and vKodani.cz (inCopenhagen.cz) organized a workshop for children Let the Shadow dance – the undersea world. The children had an opportunity to try not only to create their own shadow puppets but also let their works become alive in the light of spotlight behind the theatre curtain.
Michaela Bartoňová explains to children how to create their own shadow puppets.
The children playing with the shadow puppets behind the cloth.