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Czech Nativity Scene in Birket Church on Lolland

On the first Sunday of Advent, 29 November 2009, a traditional Czech nativity scene was revealed in St. Nicholas Church in Birket on Lolland.


The nativity scene was exhibited until the Three Kings Day, 6 January 2010.

Recreating the biblical scene of the manger at Bethlehem, where the baby Jesus was born on a bed of straw, is one of the oldest Czech traditions. The nativity scenes are created in varying sizes and from various materials. This typical countryside nativity scene was made by the Czech artist Helena Slavíková and her students in cooperation with her colleague, ceramist H. Medalová. The Czech traditions appeared on Lolland thanks to Libuše Müller who received Gratis Agit Prize and plays an active role in Lolland´s cultural life.
