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Czech Film Night in Husets Biograf on 6 November 2023: Michael Kocáb: Rocker vs Politician

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen cordially invites you to the Czech Film Night, which will take place on Monday, the 6th of November 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in Husets Biograf, Rådshusstræde 13, Copenhagen K.

November is in the Czech Republic traditionally associated with memories of the November events (not only!) of the year 1989. For the November screening, we have therefore chosen the documentary movie:  Michael Kocáb: Rocker vs Politician (2022), directed by Olga Sommerová.

We invite not only you, our core film fans, to the cinema, but we also made the same offer to the main protagonist of the film. Will he come? Yes, he will! You can therefore experience not only the screening, but also to the subsequent discussion with the personal participation of Mr. Michael Kocáb, together with light refreshments afterwards.

Annotation: Michael Kocáb's life stages progress from the key moments of childhood, youth, adulthood to mature age, from which perspective he looks at himself and his life so far. The director Sommerová finds the main character in a kind of life harmony, in relation to the past, the present and, emphatically, to the future, which is positively confirmed by the members of his family in an intimate family environment. A more serious layer of the documentary is the unfolding of the seemingly irreconcilable personal positions of a rock musician and artist, who still creates and lives intensely, and a politician who uncompromisingly promotes freedom, human rights and democracy, but who thus paradoxically becomes part of the establishment against which everyone must distinguish himself " honest rocker".

Source: Filmovyprehled.cz, CSFD.cz

Trailer: here


For more information about the screening and tickets, please visit this link.

Invitation | 6. 11. 2023, Husets: Michael Kocáb: Rocker vs Politician (PDF, 435 KB)