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Photo: Filmovyprehled.cz
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Czech Film Night in Husets Biograf on May, 14 2024: The Shop on Main Street

The Embassy of the Czech Republic cordially invite you to the Czech Film Night, which will take place Tuesday, the 14th of May 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in Husets Biograf, Rådshusstræde 13, Copenhagen K.

In May, we traditionally show a film with the theme of World War II. For this year, we have selected one of the most celebrated Czechoslovak films of all: „The Shop on Main Street“ (1965), drama by co-directors Ján Kadár and Elmar Klos, which won the Best Foreign Film Oscar in 1965. Adapted from a novel by Ladislav Grosman (who also had a hand in the screenplay), the film represents the peak of Czechoslovak New Wave output. 

Annotation: The story takes place in a small town in eastern Slovakia in 1942 during the fascist Slovak state. As a result of circumstances, the impulsive carpenter Tono Brtko becomes, against his will, the "arizator" of the impoverished haberdashery shop of the old Jewish woman Rozália Lautmannová, who has no idea what is going on around. A special bond gradually develops between the two, broken in the tragic finale due to the racial laws that Slovak fascists voluntarily introduced following the example of Hitler's Germany.

Source: Filmovyprehled.cz / Trailer: link is here


For more information about the screening and tickets, please visit this site.

Invitation | Czech Film Night in Husets Biograf on May, 14 2024: The Shop on Main Street (PDF, 288 KB)