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International Francophonia Day in Copenhagen

Since 1990 the French speaking people on all continents have celebrated the 20 March as the International Francophonia Day.

The day is dedicated to the French language uniting 200 million French speaking people all over the world and concerning 870 million people within the 70 countries associated in the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF). The day gives the opportunity to show the solidarity and the desire to live together despite diversity and cultural differences.

The 20 March commemorates the treaty that established the Agency of Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACCT), today the International Organization of Francophonie, signed in 1970 in Niamey (Niger).

Today, the organization counts 56 members and 14 observers including the Czech Republic that entered the organization as an observer in Moncton (Canada) in 1999.

The Czech Embassy contributed to the successful celebrations of the International Francophonia Day in Copenhagen. Nearly 200 participants of the conference, that took place at the University of Copenhagen on 19 March 2009, had the opportunity to taste Czech beer and the traditional spa wafers.

International Francophonia Day in Copenhagen