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Czech National Day Reception 2021

On October 27, 2021, the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Mongolia organized a traditional reception for invited guests in the Sky Plaza building on the occasion of the Day of the Establishment of the Independent Czechoslovak State.

The reception was opened by the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Jiří Brodský together with the Minister of Construction and Urban Development Munkhbaatar Begzjav. This time, the Czech and Mongolian anthems were performed by the musicians of Fat Cat Jazz Club, who accompanied the guests throughout the evening. During the reception, which was attended by ambassadors, representatives of government, parliament and administrative regions, business partners, prominent Mongolian artists and of course Czechs living in Mongolia, guests got the chance to get acquainted with the products of Czech glassmakers represented on the Mongolian market by Crystalite Bohemia Mongolia.

It was also an opportunity for the Czech ambassador and his wife to say goodbye in connection with the end of their four-year deployment.

Refreshments were prepared by Delicatessen, and Czech Pilsner Urquell beer was provided by Altan Taria.


Ambassador´s speech 312 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Nov 8, 2021