100th Anniversary of the Foundation: Festive Concert at the State Opera in Ulaanbaatar
26.10.2018 / 11:29 | Aktualizováno: 31.10.2018 / 08:37
On the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Foundation of Czechoslovakia, Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Jiří Brodský, together with the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Dušan Bella, held a gala concert at the State Opera in Ulaanbaatar.
The honoured guest of the evening was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia D. Tsogtbaatar, members of the diplomatic corps and four hundred Mongolian graduates from Czech and Slovak universities.
The State Opera Symphony Orchestra and the Mongolian artists starred under conductor of Ts. Gansukh and the prominent Mongolian artist D. Sosorbaram performed the compositions of Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana and the film melody of Karel Svoboda. Part of the program was also a solo interpretation of Antonín Dvořák's melodies on Mongolian string instrument Morin khuur and the performance of Slovak fujarist and folk music propagator Ľubomír Páříčka.
The concert, which was shot by the Mongolian National Broadcasting television MNB, was organised thanks to the supporting of these companies: Altan Taria, Finep, Bohemia Muller, Dekonta, Pilsner Urquell and ProVox Publishing.
Concert program:
Introductory speeches of the Czech and Slovak Ambassadors Projev velvyslance ČR (DOC, 37 KB)
- National Anthems
- Bedřich Smetana: Vysehrad
- Antonín Dvořák: Slovanic tance Op. 72/7
- Ľubomír Párička: Išjou gajdoš do dediny, performance on bagpipes
- Bedřich Smetana: Vltava
- Performance of the Mongolian National band, Ľubomír Párička: Hrochotskou dolinou, performance on fujara
- Antonín Dvořák: New World Symphony
- Melody by Antonín Dvořák: solo on Mongolian instrument Morin Khuur
- Karel Svoboda: a mixture of film melodies
- Ľubomír Párička: Čo sa stalo v nóve, performance on whistle
- Antonín Dvořák: Rusalka