Czechs to sponsor Mongolian leather industry
10.03.2023 / 07:52 | Aktualizováno: 10.03.2023 / 08:10
On Thursday, 9th of March, 2023 at 12:00 in the Khan-Uul District, 20 khoroo, leather industrial area, Bayangongor LLC, Mr Jan Vytopil, the Czech Ambassador signed the contract with the Mongolian Association of Leather Industry.
The contract provides for the transfer of Czech technology for cleaning wastewater in wool processing, with a total amount of 77,000,000 tugrug is being provided to the Mongolian company.
A new waste water treatment station will enable the Mongolian Association of Leather Industry to improve their environmental protection efforts and increase the efficiency of their wool processing operations. It represents a significant step forward in Czechia’s commitment to sustainable development and international cooperation.
“Czechia is interested in the cooperation in improving and modernizing the existing wastewater treatment facilities in Mongolia and in establishing new treatment plants in local centers such as in provinces and soums”, Mr. Jan Vytopil said.
The Czech contribution to Mongolia's leather processing industry dates back to the days of Czechoslovakia, when a chevron factory was built and handed over to Mongolia between 1958 and 1960. A leather factory was built in 1975-1980, and a shoe factory with 3,500 employees was put into operation in 1979-1981. Within the framework of development cooperation, in 2007-2010, the leather factory modernization project of MLTJ LLC was implemented, and in 2010-2012, as part of the same cooperation, environmental pollution research at Khargia treatment plant was conducted, and recommendations were provided for further measures.