Call for Proposals for ‘Aid For Trade‘ Program
24.05.2022 / 12:44
We invite interested parties to send proposals for the Aid For Trade, implemented within the framework of the foreign development cooperation of the Czech Republic, for the 2023 round. The deadline for submission of bids is September 30th, 2022. Within the Aid for Trade program, smaller projects are implemented, mostly up to CZK 1 million including VAT with a duration of one calendar year.
The purpose is to help developing countries integrate better into the international trading system and use trade more effectively to reduce poverty. The essence of these projects is the transfer of experience, information, know-how, and lectures on professional topics, to help partner countries in trade facilitation, state administration assistance in formulating and implementing domestic market rules, removing administrative barriers, business support, market institution development including the financial sector, etc.
The topics must correspond to the nature of the Aid for Trade program. (It should also be based on the partner countries' development strategy, and their needs, and focus on their areas of priority. Aid for Trade focuses on:
- Economic development including energy
- Production capacity building
- Implementation of EU-compatible standards
- Revitalization of mining companies
- Building economic zones
- Strengthening the business climate
- Development of small and medium enterprises
- Related legislations
- Transport infrastructure
- Environment
- Agriculture including the food industry
- Forestry, etc.
To initiate an Aid for Trade project, the foreign partner needs to fill in the "Development Project Identification Form - Aid for Trade". Any Mongolian government entity (ideally a ministry or one of the government agencies under its control, sector, etc.) can apply for an Aid for Trade project, but also a private entity, but again with the support or knowledge of the relevant local ministry.
Aid for Trade projects, which are managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and which are based on the interests and needs of partner countries, are part of the Czech Republic's official development cooperation.
Deadline: Proposals for the Aid for Trade project in Mongolia for the next year 2023 are submitted through the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Mongolia by September 30, 2022. For more information, please contact the Embassy's Economic Department at: commerce_ulaanbaatar@mzv.cz.