New Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019–2030
01.10.2019 / 09:15 | Aktualizováno: 01.10.2019 / 09:29
The Czech Republic wants to be the country of the future. The Government of the Czech Republic recently adopted the “Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019–2030”. Prepared by the RD&I Council, headed by Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, in close cooperation with a team of entrepreneurs, scientists, academics and representatives of the public administration, the strategy sets out new priorities, which, if achieved, should put the Czech Republic among the most innovative countries in Europe by 2030.
The new innovation strategy of the Czech Government consists of nine strategic pillars, part of the strategy is also the introduction of a new brand “The Czech Republic: The Country For The Future”.
“We have an extraordinary knowledge potential, we are a technology-oriented country and meet the strictest economic criteria. When should we undertake such bold changes if not at a time when we are one of the most stable economies in Europe, when our businesses are achieving record results, and our scientists are gaining ever greater respect in the world”, said Prime Minister Babiš in relation to the Innovation Strategy plan.
Please read and download the full version of the document: Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2019–2030