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Photo: Velvyslanectví ČR v Tokiu / Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo
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Celebration of the National Day of the Czech Republic in Japan

On the occasion of the 105th celebration of the Establishment of the independent state of Czechoslovakia, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tokyo organized a festive reception in the representative premises of the Embassy on October 31, 2023.

To celebrate the National Day of the Czech Republic commemorating the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak state, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Japan Mr. Martin Klučar and his wife organized a festive reception in the representative premises of the Embassy in Tokyo.

After the Czech and Japanese national anthems were performed, Mr. Vlastimil Válek, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health of the Czech Republic, delivered a speech at the reception as part of his work trip to Japan. After a ceremonial opening of the saké barrel, Mr. Banri Kaieda, Vice Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan, greeted the guests and gave a ceremonial toast. On behalf of the Japanese side, Mr. Taro Kono, Minister for Digital Transformation of Japan, as well accepted the invitation and attended the reception.

During the evening, the guests were delighted with jazz music performed by a phenomenal jazz pianist and composer Mr. Emil Viklický and his colleague Mr. Petr Dvorský, who played the double bass. Mr. Emil Viklický also accompanied Mr. Noritaro Dei during the singing of the Czech national anthem. For the performance of the Japanese national anthem, Mr. Dei was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Jinko Yokoyama. The good mood of the guests was also supported by Czech lion mascot "Lefumar", who was as usually present.

Traditionally, Czech cuisine and Czech beer were not missing from the festive table. As a sign of support for Japan, seafood dishes from Fukushima were also served this year.

The Embassy thanks everyone who accepted the invitation and came, and also to those who sent congratulatory letters and gifts.


State reception 2023