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20 years in the European Union – inspiration from the common Czech-Slovak path

As part of the celebration of 20 years of membership in the European Union, embassies of the Czech Republic and Slovakia held a discussion forum on May 2, 2024 on the common Czech-Slovak journey as an inspiration for peaceful relations between neighbors.

The forum, moderated by the executive director of the Albanian Institute for International Studies, Alba Ҁela, on the premises of the Tirana Times library, was actively attended by a number of representatives of the diplomatic and academic community, including high school students.

The forum provided a brief excursion into the development of Czech-Slovak relations, focusing on the common ground and positive aspects of the relationship, but also exploring possible differences in attitudes and approaches. The deep roots in shared history were underlined with the eventual amicable split and its positive impact on relationship dynamics and healthy competition. After the division and construction of the border, reunification took place in short order into a border-free area within the European Union.

The Slovak ambassador to Albania, Albin Otruba, emphasized that regional cooperation is essential for integration into the EU, while it is necessary to focus mainly on aspects that work. According to the Czech ambassador Karel Urban, the journey to the Union is first and foremost a political decision, while knowledge of the procedural functioning of the EU should also not be underestimated from the beginning. “Brussels” may seem detached from reality, but in fact it is co-created by the member states.

Article in Tirana Times see here 

20 years in the European Union

20 years in the European Union

20 years in the European Union

20 years in the European Union

20 years in the European Union

20 years in the European Union

20 years in the European Union

20 years in the European Union