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Czech-Albanian-Israeli Ties in the Context of the Albanian Translation of The Boy from Block 66

A meeting at the Czech Embassy in Tirana on 5 June 2024 on the occasion of the presentation of the Albanian translation of The Boy from Block 66 provided an opportunity to celebrate Czech-Albanian-Israeli ties. The book presents the true story of Moshe Kessler, a Jewish boy born in Czechoslovakia, who was rescued from the children's Block 66 at Buchenwald by Czech political prisoner Antonin Kalina after his dramatic passage through Auschwitz, along with nearly a thousand other boys.

At the opening of the meeting, the Czech Ambassador to Albania, Karel Urban, stressed the importance of sharing stories of humanity and kindness in extreme conditions as a lesson for the future. The Ambassador of Israel to Albania, Galit Peleg, also pointed out the need to document testimonies, as the generation of survivors is dwindling and none of this can happen again. In this context, she mentioned her concern about the current escalated situation. In her experience, Albanians are very proud of their assistance to the Jewish community during the Second World War, and knowledge of specific events and facts is also important. The author of the book, Professor Limor Regev, then presented the context and content of the powerful story of the Boy from Block 66 and subsequent events to the participating representatives of the Czech expatriate community, including the book's publisher Aurel Kaçulini, Albanian administration and literary scene and media. She mentioned that she is currently working in Czechia to document the story of the boys' rescuer, Antonin Kalina, who for her represents a man who did not look away in the face of the suffering of others. Moshe Kessler, 93, also attended the meeting online from Israel, along with his daughter Anat and granddaughter Maya.

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66

The Boy from Block 66