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Culture in Czechia

Czech culture has been shaped by the nation's geographical position in the middle of Europe, the Slavic ethnicity of Czechs, influences from its neighbors, political and social changes, wars and times of peace.

Czech culture offers many different genres, perspectives, and means. Cultural events in Czechia are also frequently visited by tourists and nationals, for which culture is an essential part of identity. Key cultural institutions in our nation include the venerable National Theatre, renowned for its impeccable productions of opera, ballet, and drama, and the esteemed National Gallery, housing an extensive collection of Czech and international art. Moreover, institutions like the Franz Kafka Museum are tributes to literary heritage, honoring the enduring legacy of influential figures in Czech literature.



For visitors, the Czech Republic presents endless possibilities for discovering Czech culture. For those from Israel, these possibilities are widened through the deep connection and friendship between the two countries and the enduring link between the Czech and Jewish communities. This connection is deeply ingrained in our national narrative, from the historic Jewish Quarter in Prague to revered synagogues throughout the country. Institutions such as the Jewish Museum in Prague serve as reminders of the cultural contributions of Czech Jewry over the ages.


Jerusalem Synagog in Prague

Jerusalem Synagog in Prague

This page serves as a directory of the country's most prominent cultural institutions and spots. Let´s discover the the Czech Film, Jewish Heritage, Literature, Music, Art, Theatre or UNESCO heritage. 

české sklo

české sklo