Exhibition of photos by professors and students of FAMU on Musrara Mix Festival (Jerusalem, 6. – 8. 6. 2017)
09.06.2017 / 12:13 | Aktualizováno: 09.06.2017 / 12:16
Like in the last years Czech artists participated on the Musrara Mix Festival, which was held in Jerusalem from 6 to 8 June 2017. Professors and students of FAMU (Tereza Havlínková, Jan Douša, Martin Zet, Veronika Čechmánková, Adam Mička, Erika Štěpánková, Martin Dušek, Camille Bonneau, River Young, Eleonora Riabkov, Rony Eranezhath, Alexander Conrad Rossa, Klara Trsková, Duongn Viet Anh, Vendula Guhová, Veronika Přistoupilová and Tomáš Rocket) prepared in colallaboration with the students of Musrara – The Naggar Multidisciplinary School of Art and Society the exhibition „Perla“.