Minister of Foreign Affairs Lubomír Zaorálek visited the State of Israel
04.11.2014 / 10:16 | Aktualizováno: 26.02.2015 / 12:34
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic made on 4 – 5 November 2014 an official working visit to the State of Israel. On 4 November he met he met with Israeli President R. Rivlin to discuss the current developments in the Middle East and possible solutions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The minister met then with the President of Israel-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry D. Hercky and after a walk through Jerusalem he had a working dinner with his Israeli counterpart Mr. A. Lieberman, with whom he discussed concrete possibilities of bilateral cooperation.
The following day the Minister gave a speech on Czech – Israeli relationship to the members of Israel Council on Foreign Relations, visited the Yad Vashem Memorial and met with Israeli Justice Minister T. Livni and the leader of the Parliamentary opposition I. Herzog.