Czech Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Tomáš Novotný visited Israel
02.04.2015 / 13:18 | Aktualizováno: 02.04.2015 / 13:21
JUDr. Ing. Tomáš Novotný, Ph.D., Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade and the Head of the Section of EU Funds, Research, Development, Innovations and Investment Incentives accompanied by Ing. Petra Očko, Ph.D., Director of department of Support for Financial Instruments and Project Management, and Ing. Ondřej Ptáček, the head of the Unit for capital inputs, visited Israel on 29 – 31 March 2015.
The goal of their mission was to discuss concrete forms of cooperation by the activation of the Czech venture capital market and the possible involvement of Israeli investors to invest in the upcoming joint investment mechanism that is planned for investments in Czech and Israeli startups realizing research and development in the Czech Republic.