Members of the Mission
Deputy Ambassador:
Cyril Bumbálek
Email: cyril.bumbalek@mzv.gov.cz
Political section:
Michal Dvořák, politics, public diplomacy and pres attaché, compatriots
Email: michal.dvorak2@mzv.gov.cz
Alena Bumbálek Sadiqová, Assistant to the Ambassador
Email: telaviv@mzv.gov.cz
Jana Málek, Assistant to the political section
Email: jana.malek@mzv.gov.cz
NATO contact point Embassy in Israel
Branislav Gál
Email: branislav.gal@mzv.gov.cz
Commercial section:
Milan Slanec, Commercial Counsellor
Email: milan.slanec@mzv.gov.cz, TelAviv.commerce@mzv.gov.cz
Magdaléna Orlovičová, Defence Industry Cooperation Counselor
Email: TelAviv.commerce@mzv.gov.cz
Michaela Komblis, Assistant to the commercial section
Email: michaela.komblis@mzv.gov.cz
Consular section:
Zuzana Griffin Buršíková, Counsellor, Consul
Ivana Zuntová, Temporary Consul
Ivana Slancová, Consular Officer
Barbora Ziv, Consular Officer
Zuzana Maudr, Consular Officer
Email: Consulate.TelAviv@mzv.gov.cz
Section for Research, Development and Innovation:
Lukáš Přibyl, attaché for Science, R&D and Innovation
Email: lukas.pribyl@mzv.gov.cz
Section for Cyber Security:
Robert Kahofer, First Secretary, Cyber Attaché
Military section:
Lenka Podzimková, Military and Air Attaché
Email: dao.telaviv@mod.gov.cz
Silvestr Medviď , Head of CzechTrade in Israel
Email: silvestr.medvid@czechtrade.cz
Management section:
Lukáš Maudr, Head of the Administrative and Technical Section
Martina Borovičová, Assistant
Viera Genach, Asistant to technical section
Email: telaviv@mzv.gov.cz