Contact Info
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Zeitlin St. 23
POB 16361
6404629 Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: +972-3-691 8282
Fax: +972-3-691 8286
E-mail: TelAviv@mzv.gov.cz
Honorary Consulate General in Haifa
Honorary Consul General Mr. Roni Gipsz
42 Finlandia St. Dania
34989 Haifa
Tel : +972 4 8258936
Fax : +972 4 8248633
E-mail roni@criza.com
Privat email : roni@criza.com
Honorary Consulate in Eilat
Honorary Consul Mr. David Hercky
3 Peten Street
88000 Eilat
POB 1983, Eilat, 88000
Tel.: +972/549818454
Fax: +972/97401740
opening hours : By appointment
Czech-Israeli Chamber of Commerce
Václavské nám. 802/56
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 032 161
Fax: +420 224 032 162
E-mail: trade@ciok.cz
Web: www.ciok.cz
Israel Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry
23 Efal St.
Kiryat Arye
P.O. Box 3286
49511 Petah Tikva
Tel: +972 3 9248049
Fax: +972 3 5466319
E-mail: business@iccci.org.il
Web: www.iccci.org.il