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Czech language and culture were on display at the Jäneda fair


Every year in September, the European Commission Representation in Estonia organizes great events as part of the European Day of Languages ​​to introduce different languages ​​and cultures to the Estonian people. more ►

The Embassy organised a concert for diplomatic partners


On Friday 9 September, at the occasion of the second Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Embassy took the liberty of inviting the representatives of the other Embassies in Tallinn and partners of the Czech-Estonian… more ►

Czech Embassy hosted a symbolical handover between the French and the Czech EU Presidencies


The French Presidency of the EU Council is just coming to an end and the Czech Presidency for the next six months is about to start. On Monday, 27 June, a relevant event took place at the Czech Embassy, ​​where the French Ambassador Éric… more ►

The exhibition of Czech castles and chateaux opens in Kuressaare


On 22 June 2022, Ambassador David Král and the Mayor of Saaremaa Madis Kallas opened the exhibition of the Czech Castles and Chateaux at the Kuressaare Castle, organized by the Czech Embassy in Tallinn in co-operation with the Saaremaa Museum. more ►

Foreign Affairs Committee of the Czech Chamber of Deputies visits Tallinn


As part of their tour of the Baltic capitals, four members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of the Czech Parliament, visited Tallinn on 24 and 25 May 2022. The delegation was headed by Mr Marek Ženíšek… more ►

Ambassador Král took part in a diplomatic tour to Ida-Viru county


On 19 and 20 May 2022, the State Protocol Department of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized yet another tour for the resident ambassadors in Tallinn. This year the tour took place in the easternmost county of Ida-Viru, often… more ►

Czech Foreign Minister: Ukraine must win the war and get to Europe


Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavský gave an interview to the Estonian daily Eesti Päevaleht during his recent visit to Tallinn during the Lennart Meri Conference. more ►

Minister Lipavský addressed the Lennart Meri Conference


On the occasion of annual Lennart Meri Conference, organized by the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS), the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský paid a visit to Tallinn on 14 May 2022. more ►