Priorities of the Embassy
The priorities of the Embassy are based on the Strategy of the Head of Mission David Král, as approved by the college of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic on 7 January 2021.
Bilateral relations
Maintaining the dynamics of contacts between the prime ministers, ministers of foreign affairs and other line ministers
Maintaining of contacts and consultation at the level of senior and middle management officials of state administration
Support of contacts between parliaments of both countries (i.a. making use of the Czech – Estonian caucuses in both parliaments)
Foreign, security and European policy
Support of co-operation between Estonia and the Czech Republic in the following fields:
Key issues of the European Union (Multiannual Financial Framework, migration, cohesion, digital agenda, climate-energy policy and Green Transition, trade policy, Eastern Partnership, EU enlargement)
Regional co-operation (NB8, V4, Three Seas Initiative)
Regional and Transatlantic security (EU, NATO)
Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa (namely Sahel region)
Multilateral engagement (mainly UN)
Arctic (with regard to observer status in the Arctic Council)
Cyber security
Economic Co-operation
Support of mutual trade (using the projects in support of economic diplomacy instrument)
Support of participation of Czech entities in Estonian public procurement
Support of exchange in services
Support of co-operation in transport and digital infrastructure, ICT, energy sector and green technologies and „smart“ economy
Public diplomacy, research and devleopment, culture, ex-pats
Support of co-operation among schools, universities and research and innovation centres
Targeted work with the „new diaspora“ – Czech citizens settled and/or working in Estonia
Advertisement of the Czech Republic as destination for Erasmus exchange in Estonia and vice versa
Raising awareness of the Czech culture, creative industries and design in Estonia