Associate Professor Tora Hedin from Stockholm University received the Gratias Agit award of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
22.10.2021 / 18:00 | Aktualizováno: 22.10.2021 / 18:05
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jakub Kulhánek granted the Gratias Agit Awards for 2021. One of this year´s 11 laureates is Mrs. Tora Hedin, lecturer of Czech language and literature at Stockholm University. She received the award in the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Stockholm University, professor Elisabeth Wåghäll Nivre and Chair of the Department professor Charlotta Seiler Brylla, from the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Sweden Anita Grmelová during a ceremonial evening.
On October 21st, representatives of the academic and cultural community, Stockholm University, colleagues, friends and family of the laureate, Mrs Tora Hedin, gathered at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Stockholm to pay tribute to the many years of her work. The traditional award has been granted since 1997 to prominent individuals and organisations who have contributed to spreading the good name of the Czech Republic abroad, selflessly deepening interest in our country and raising its profile and positive image. It is mainly thanks to Tora Hedin that interest in the Czech language and Czech literature is being successfully cultivated among Swedish students at Stockholm University. Doctor Hedin is also a co-founder of the publishing house Aspekt, which publishes translations of Czech writers, whose books can reach Swedish readers. In addition, she is a sought-after commentator on political and cultural events in the Czech Republic in the Swedish media, thus contributing to the creation of a positive image of the Czech Republic among the Swedish public.
You can read about the ceremony from the point of view of the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities in her own official blog https://humfakdekaner.wordpress.com/