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Long-term student visas

When applying for a long term visa for the purpose of study, follow these steps:


Applications are submitted in person only.

  • - All supporting documents submitted must be originals or verified copies by a Czech notary public.
  • - Please note, that you have to bring two sets for your appointment - 1 set would be the originals and the second one would be copies of all of the documents, incl. passport data page.
  • - All documents must not be older than 180 days with the exception of a passport, registrar documents, diplomas and similar documents and photo (must reflect current appearance).
  • - Foreign public documents must be (if requested) legalized, i.e. equipped by an Apostille or superlegalization.
  • - All documents must be submitted in Czech language (with the exception of a bank statement, bank card, which can be in English).


Incomplete applications are inadmissible (pursuant to § 169h of the Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals).

PROCESSING TIME: up to 60 days

All long-term visa are processed and decided by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and the Embassy issues visa based on the decision and has no say or influence regarding processing time or decision-making.

FEES: Visa fee is 103 EUR for this month for a long-term visa for the purpose of study. The fee must be paid in cash in EUR when applying for visa.

The visa fee may change on a monthly basis due to the current exchange rate.


1. Completed visa application formcompletely filled out before coming to the Embassy with a ballpoint pen or on a typewrier. You will need to glue one photo into the correspondent space in the upper right corner of the first page. Please do not forget to sign the application on the 5th page and include your phone number, email address and postal service address for future communication  download the application form: Tiskopis_zadosti_o_vizum_k_pobytu_nad_90_dnu-dlouhodobe_vizum_-_CZE-ENG.pdf 

- make sure you complete the form with the state codes as per the information on: Country codes - Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky (mvcr.cz), namely for the Republic of North Macedonia - MKD, for the Republic of Kosovo - XXK

2. Two recent passport photographs

3. Passport - passport is not retained during the processing of long-term visa, but needs to be re-submitted when collecting the visa, so visa can be issued in the passport.

4. Document confirming the purpose of the stay - confirmation of studies -  an original or a copy (notarized by a Czech notary) of a document certifying acceptance into a study program in the Czech Republic issued by a Czech university or school in the Czech language.

5. Document confirming accommodation - an original of your accommodation document issued by a Czech university confirming accommodation in the school´s dormitory for the duration of your studies - document must be in Czech language.
If you are staying in private accommodations, the original statement from the owner of an apartment/house stating his/her ability and willingness to provide accommodation (signature must be notarized by a Czech notary);
If you are renting an apartment/house, the original or a notarized copy of the tenancy/rental contract signed by both parties (signatures do not have to be notarized);
If you are subletting, the original or a notarized copy of the tenancy/rental contract and an affidavit signed by the owner confirming the subletting (signature must be notarized by a Czech notary).

6. Document confirming sufficient financial resources -  when applying for a long term student visa, you need to prove that you possess sufficient financial means for your stay in the Czech Republic. You can fund your stay and prove it by one of the following options:
a copy of a debit card held in your name with a validity for at least the duration of your stay in the Czech Republic and original checking account periodical bank statement for the last 3 months linked to the card original bank statement (or an original letter from the bank in English with stamp and signature). In the case of internet banking printouts, a bank stamp confirming the authenticity is requested. You may cover the card number before you make a copy of it but don't cover the validity. A copy of the front side is sufficient;
a letter from a sponsor confirming the support of the applicant during his or her stay in the Czech Republic. It must be an original document with a notarized signature and presented with an official translation in the Czech language. Example: A parental letter confirming the financial situation of the student must be translated into the Czech language and notarized. Such letter must be accompanied by a bank statement of the parent (original or printout stamped by the bank). The student must provide proof of ability to draw funds while in the Czech Republic, for example, ownership of a banking card linked to this account.
scholarship: A student currently receiving a scholarship or grant must provide a confirmation of such scholarship.

How much money needs to be in your bank account?
For the purposes of a long-term visa (apart from the purpose of business), a foreign national is obliged to prove the availability of funds that are 15 times the amount of the existential minimum (in accordance with the Governement Regulation No. 75/2022 Coll., as of July 1st, 2022 the following minimum is equal to 3 310 CZK) for the first month and double the amount of existential minimum for every month afterwards, i.e. for instance, for a stay from January 1st until June 30th it would be (15 * 3,310) + (5 * 2 * 3,310) = 46 950 + 33 100 = 80 050 Czech crowns (approximately 3 200 euro)

A foreign national under 18 years proves the availability of half the amount.

7. Criminal History Background from an authorized court in the Republic of North Macedonia or the Republic of Kosovo and Criminal History Background check from a country where you lived for 6 months or longer in the previous 3 years or an affidavit in case that country does not issue any such document.
This document must be appropriately certified (if applicable: Apostille or super-legalization) and then subsequently translated into the Czech language by a sworn translator. The criminal history record from the Republic of Kosovo will need to be verified with a stamp from the authorized court confirming the name and capacity of the person that signed the document.

8. Medical health insurance - you will be asked to submit health insurance upon collection of your visa. The type and length will be specified in the collection notice. Detailed information about medical health insurance can be found on the website of the Ministry of Interior 

Once you have everything ready, please send us an email (skopje.visa@mzv.gov.cz) so we can schedule an appointment for you.

In the „Subject line" of the email message please state: Your full name – Long-term Student Visa (for example: "John Doe – Long-term Student Visa“).


In the message, please state:

1/ full name of the applicant

2/ contact information (email, phone number, residence address of the applicant)

3/ the name of the University or Faculty and the dates of the planned stay 



zov_EN 526 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Aug 31, 2010