Official notarized translation - how to
Czech is the official language in the Czech Republic. So, if you need an "official translation" or "notarised translation" of a foreign document, it must be translated into Czech by an official translator or notarized by the Czech Embassy. Similarly, some Czech documents must be first translated and officially notarized for their use in Singapore.
The Embassy as such DOES NOT PROVIDE translation and/or interpretation services.
There are two options how to obtain a notarised translation:
The easiest way to obtain an official translation is to contract a commercial translator with the respective registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. The updated list can be found at the Ministry's website.
Another option is to translate the respective document and have it notarized at our Embassy. Applicants need to schedule an appointment in advance by e-mail ONLY! The address and office hours of the consulate can be found in the "about the Embassy" section of our website.
IMPORTANT: The translation must be 100% accurate (see requirements below) so we strongly recommend hiring a professional commercial translation agency rather than using services like Google Translate.
The fee for every page of translated text can be found here on our website.
Conditions for notarization
- - The Embassy can only notarize hard copy of a document.
- - The translation must be also submitted in hard copy.
- - IMPORTANT: We strongly encourage you to send us the scannned document and its translation in advance so that we can check the quality and completeness of the translation before the meeting.
- - Only translations between English and Czech (both ways) can be verified.
- - The consulate might also check the conformity of a copy of a document with the original document or its officially certified copy.
- - If an apostille is attached to the original document submitted for translation notarizion, the apostille itself does not have to be translated to maintain the validity neither of the document nor of itself, but the translation will be marked as not complete.
Notarizaion of the translation will be indicated in the form of a certification sticker, put either on the translation itself or on a sheet firmly attached to it. The notarized translation will be firmly attached to the original document (or to an officially notarized copy of it). The certification sticker and stamp is always in Czech, but if the translation is not intended for use in Czechia and if the applicant so requests, the Embassy can issue a letter in English confirming the translation.
Requirements for the translation
The translation into Czech must be without any mistakes and typos and it must with diacritics (i. e. letters such as ř or ž). The translation must be complete, i.e. including all authentication clauses marked on or attached to the original document to be translated. (Otherwise we can only verify part-translation.) No information may be omitted, not even numbers, codes or other ancillary or irrelevant information. All dry seals (perforation blind stamps) marked on the original must also be indicated in the translation, preferably in the form of a note by the translator.
The translator's notes shall be written in italics in brackets. The translation should be bordered at the top and bottom of each page by a horizontal line. The beginning of the translation should be marked with the words (Translation from English) or (Translation from the Czech language), the end of the translation should be marked with the words (End of translation) or (End of translation).
The consulate may not notarize the translation if there are any handwritten additions to the document or if there are any alterations, insertions or deletions which might weaken its credibility. The consulate may also not verify the accuracy of the translation if it cannot reliably assess its content or if the content of the document is manifestly contrary to the laws of the Czech Republic or Singapore or if it circumvents the laws of the Czech Republic or is contrary to good morals. By doing so, he would be in breach of Section 39 of the Civil Code 40/1964 Coll. and Section 53(1)(a) of the Notarial Code 358/1992 Coll. within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 32/1969 Coll., and could thus fulfil the offence of perjury under Section 175a of the Criminal Code 140/1961 Coll.