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Photo: Generální konzulát v Šanghaji
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Exibition of paintings of Pavel Roučka

Date: 10 April 2019 - 25 April 2019, Venue: Shanghai Painting Sculpture Institute

The Czech-Chinese dual art exhibition took place under the name „Fugue“ in the art museum Shanghai Painting Sculpture Institute within 10 – 25 April 2019. The Czech painter Mr. Pavel Roučka and his Chinese counterpart Mr. Jeyin Wang exposed a representative profile of their 50 years long work.

The exhibition was organized by L´Eticelle Art Space Agency in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai.  General Consul Mr. Richard Krpač had the honour to officially inaugurate the exhibition. The art expression of both painters is very close and that was a reason for organizing a dual exposition. Each artist had an opportunity to decorate in place a car body delivered for this purpose to the museum by Skoda Auto, one of the sponsors of the event. The exhibition enjoyed high interest and attendance of thousands of visitors.
