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OSLO KULTURNATT 2015 –Exhibition "Otto Wichterle - The story of the Contact Lens"

As a participant at the Oslo Culture Night 2015, the Embassy of the Czech Republic invites you to the exhibition "Otto Wichterle - The story of the Contact Lens” on 11th  September 2015 from 17:00 to 20:00 hrs. at the Czech Embassy, ​​Fritzners gate 14, Oslo.

If you are interested in history of the discovery of contact lens or any of the other 150 patents, or in the extraordinary life story of a man who had to fight both fascism and communism, do not miss the exhibition. This exhibition attracts not only adults but also young visitors. Otto Wichterle's life carries one important message: a message about freedom of the spirit that was an integral part of Otto Wichterle's scientific activity.

Otto Wichterle was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

The exhibition also presents a replica of one of the first contact lens-making machines compiled by Otto Wichterle from a child's Merkur construction set. It will also be possible to get acquainted with the Merkur construction set itself.

Otto Wichterle - the story of the contact lens
2011    50 years of the soft contact lens
2012   40 years since the soft contact lens on the market
2013    100th birth anniversary of Prof. Otto Wichterle


More information: http://www.oslokulturnatt.no/