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Awarding in the 43th year of the International Exhibition of Children´s Fine Art Lidice 2015

The International Children´s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice was established in 1967 to commemorate the child victims from the Czech village of Lidice who had been murdered by German Nazis in 1942 as well as other children who had died in wars. Children from around the world are participating in the exhibition each year, the most significant works are awarded and displayed at the Lidice Gallery.

There were 21.380 art works from 71 countries entered in this year´s exhibition dedicated to the theme Light. Out of the 13.819 foreign pictures sent to the exhibition, 533 won prizes. One of the awarded art works was created by 10-years-old Kaja Sofie Kvande from Kunst Studio OPP in Surna, in Norway.  On November 10, 2015 the Czech Honorary Consul in Trondheim, Mr. Oddvar Kristian Karlsen, presented the diploma to Kaja Sofie Kvande together with a book and artist supplies sent as a gift by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Oslo.

The opening ceremony of 43th year of the exhibition took place on May 30, 2015 at the Lidice Gallery and it was attended by cultural representatives and representatives from many embassies of countries participating in the competition. The exhibition was on display at the Lidice Gallery till the end of October 2015. Currently, smaller exhibitions are being created from the exhibits to tour other venues in the Czech Republic and abroad.


From the left: Ramute Baltruniene, Kaja Sofie Kvande, Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic Oddvar Kr. Karlsen

From the left: Ramute Baltruniene, Kaja Sofie Kvande, Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic Oddvar Kr. Karlsen