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Schengen Visa Requirements

Applicants can apply up to 3 months but no later than 15 days before the planned travel. As per the Schengen Visa Code the decision about the visa application is taken within 15 calendar days (in specific cases up to 45 days).

Please note that:

Visa applications can be lodged by prior appointment only and on an officially approved form (DOCX, 43 KB). Detailed information regarding supporting documents can be found at the MFA website.

Amended harmonised List of the supporting documents (PDF, 496 KB) to be submitted by applicants in Kenya for short stay visas adopted by Commission Implementing decision of 26 June 2023 and further details are published on the EU Delegation website in Nairobi, incl. list of accredited insurance companies (PDF, 186 KB) based in Kenya, providing insurance meeting the Schengen area criteria.

The visa applicant should pay a non-refundable visa application fee of 90 EUR (payable in cash or by card). Children under 6 years of age are exempt from the fee, the fee for children aged 6 to 12 is 45 EUR.

Fingerprints will be collected at the visa appointment from all applicants excepting:

Children under 12 years;

Applicants for whom fingerprint collection is physically impossible; 

Heads of states and governments and their delegations if invited on an official visit, and members of royal families if invited on an official visit.

Applicants from Tanzania are obliged to submit documents detailed in the harmonized List of supporting documents (PDF, 305 KB) adopted by Commission Implementing decision of 15 March 2024.

Applicants from other countries, residing in Kenya:

Copy of residence permit valid through at least 3 months after planned departure date from any EU Member State(s).


Please also note that:

All applications must be submitted at the Embassy in person (by prior appointment only) in order to collect the biometric fingerprint data from the applicants.

The submission of the documents listed above does not automatically guarentee the issuance of a visa. Individual assessments are made in each case.

Each applicant must present a separate application form and a separate set of documents.

The Visa Department has full authority to evaluate and request more documents than those submitted by the applicant. Therefore always include your mobile, home or office telephone number together with your application. 

If  you are a family member (the spouse, the partner with whom an EU citizen has contracted a registered partnership, the direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or the dependent direct relatives in the ascending line) of citizens of the EU, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland or Liechtenstein, kindly read this article for details.