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Czech aid at the Global Refugee Forum

Under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the second Global Refugee Forum was held in Geneva, 13–15 December. The main objective was to present voluntary pledges to the implementation of the non-legally binding Global Compact on Refugees, adopted by the UN General Assembly five years ago.

In the presence of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, participants had the opportunity to share experiences and practical examples of how best to address the refugee crisis in the world.

The Czech Republic was represented by the Czech Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Václav Bálek, who recalled the Czech assistance to Ukraine in response to Russian aggression, the long-term comprehensive support in the Syrian region and the linking of humanitarian, development and peace efforts in Africa. He also underlined that prevention of crises and forced displacement, alongside resilience of host communities and self-reliance of refugees remain key aspects for sustainable solutions.