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Czech Republic at the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council

The 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council takes place from 27 February to 4 April. Czech Republic participates as voting Member State.

The Czech Republic is currently a member of the Human Rights Council until the end of 2023. This year, the Permanent Representative Václav Bálek also serves as the President of the Council. For more information on the Human Rights Council’s Presidency see https://www.mzv.cz/mission.geneva/cz/rlp_pres_2023/index.html.

With the programme exceeding d 5 weeks, this is the longest Session of the Council's history. At the beginning of the Session, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, will address the Human Rights Council by a videostatement. During the Session, Czechia together with other EU Member States, will present resolutions on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Myanmar and Belarus, as well as thematic resolutions on the rights of the child and freedom of religion and belief. It will actively support, among others, a resolution on the situation of human rights in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression which is presented by the Permanent Mission of Ukraine.

Czech Republic will deliver the following national statements (to be updated):