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Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine

Two years ago, Vladimir Putin launched a massive neo-colonial war against Ukraine, however, Russia's aggression has been going on for 10 years - since 2014, when its army annexed Crimea and sparked the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia's aim is to defeat and break Ukraine, to weaken NATO and the EU as much as possible, and to disrupt the West and the security architecture across Europe.

Czechia fully supports Ukraine's right to self-defence and the restoration of its territorial integrity within its 1991 borders, including the Crimean Peninsula. We will stand by Ukraine and provide its government, army and citizens with all necessary assistance for as long as Ukraine needs it.

It is in the interest of entire Europe and our own security that Ukraine becomes a member of the EU and NATO, an aspiration that Czechia fully supports. Russia's attempts to change state borders by force, to weaken the West by spreading disinformation and mistrust in society, and to provoke hostility towards the West in third countries must be repelled in the interests of all democratic and free countries.

Glory to Ukraine!