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Czech Business Links

CzechTrade, the national trade promotion agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, promotes international trade and cooperation between Czech and foreign companies. CzechTrade´s professional information, assistance and consulting services accompany Czech exporters to foreign markets, and the agency is a contact partner for firms entering the Czech market, seeking interesting and reliable business partners and suppliers.

Your Czech Supplier

Are you looking for a supplier? "Your Czech Supplier" is a new and exclusive service provided by CzechTrade and . The service is offered FREE OF CHARGE to all foreign entrepreneurs who are looking for the most suitable suppliers in the Czech Republic.

CzechInvest is the investment and business development agency of the Czech Republic whose services and development programmes contribute to attracting foreign investment and to developing Czech companies. Their mission is to support investment activities to the highest level of competence not only through their information service and consultancy but also by linkage with structural funds of the EU.

CzechInvest provides the following services free-of-charge:

  • Comprehensive services for investors - full information assistance, handling of investment incentives, business property identification, location of Czech suppliers, aftercare services
  • Business infrastructure development
  • Access to structural funds

American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic

The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic represents and promotes business in the Czech Republic. As a representative of the private sector, the Chamber recognizes the need for the creation and maintenance of a fair and ethical business environment that ensures the healthy development of commerce in the region. To this end, the Chamber has adopted a code of better business principles and practices. The code is to be utilized by the Chamber in every aspect of its operations and serves as an example of ethical business practices for its members to follow.


Center For Regional Economic Development

Center for Regional Development of the Czech Republic, whose primary mission is to initiate economic development in regions, to provide assistance toward the establishment of regional development agencies, and to facilitate access to information on prepared development programs and projects (Czech/English).



In the United States, our Embassy found its strong supporter and partner in American Friends of the Czech Republic. To find out what's new at their home, click on the link.

Other Useful links

Highest Bodies

Chamber of Deputies www.psp.cz

Senate www.senat.cz

Office of the President www.hrad.cz

Office of the Government of the Czech Republic www.vlada.cz


Ministry of Agriculture www.mze.cz

Ministry of Culture www.mkcr.cz

Ministry of Defence www.army.cz

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport www.msmt.cz

Ministry of Enviroment www.env.cz

Ministry of Finance www.mfcr.cz

Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.mzv.cz

MInistry of Health www.mzcr.cz

Ministry of the Interior www.mvcr.cz

Ministry of Justice www.justice.cz

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs www.mpsv.cz

Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic www.mmrc.cz

Ministry of Transport and Communication www.mdcr.cz

Other Institutions

Czech National Bank www.cnb.cz

Czech Constitutional Court www.concourt.cz

Czech Supreme Court www.czso.cz

Trade promotion information centers

Czech Trade Promotion Agency www.czechtrade.cz

Czechinvest www.czechinvest.org

Czech Export Bank www.ceb.cz

Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation www.egap.cz

Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic www.komora.cz

American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Rep. www.amcham.cz

Information Centers

Centre for Regional Development www.crr.cz

Agency for the Development of Industry of the CZ www.czechindustry.org

Diplomatic Missions of International Organization

Delegation of the European Commission to the CZ www.evropska-unie.cz

EU Information Center www.evropska-unie.cz