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Czech Trade


Czech Trade Promotion Agency

CzechTrade is a government Trade Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The main task is to assist companies in development of mutual trade and cooperation. The agency provides trade information, practical assistance to exporters and foreign buyers, consultancy, educational programs, and assists companies throughout trade fairs. The web site can also publish adverts of foreign companies willing to enter the Czech market or searching for a partner.

Czech Trade Chicago Office
Pavel Eichner, Director of the Chicago office, 205  N Michigan Ave. 60606 Chicago Illinois, Suite: # 1660  Chicago,  U.S.A.., E-mail: chicago@czechtrade.cz, Tel: +1 312 612 5894-6, Cell: +13122825437; Fax: +1 312 612 5897, http://www.czechtrade-usa.us/




Czech Invest

Czech Invest, established in 1992 by the Ministry of Industry and Trade,  is the investment and business development agency of Czechia whose services and development programmes contribute to attracting foreign investment and to developing Czech companies. Our mission is to support investment activities to the highest level of competence not only through our information service and consultancy but also by linkage with structural funds of the EU.

CzechInvest provides the following services free-of-charge:

  • Comprehensive services for investors - full information assistance, handling of investment incentives, business property identification, location of Czech suppliers, aftercare services
  • Business infrastructure development
  • Access to structural funds

CzechInvest San Francisco Office

Anna Hight; Director of CzechInvest West Coast operations, 44 Tehama Street, San Francisco 94105 CA,  U.S.A.;  E-mail: anna.hight@czechinvest.org ;  Cell: + 1 415 605 2633; http://www.czechinvest.org/en