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Help Czech Innovators From Corinth Win in Competition of Startups!!

The Czech company Corinth, the most awarded K-12 startup of 2015, is very close to achieving another great success for the Czech startup scene. The Czech innovator has recently made it to grand finals of World Cup Tech Challenge contest, awarding the most disruptive technology startups.

Hundreds of startups from 53 countries applied. The top 25 qualified through the thorough selection process. In the “EdTech” category, Corinth is competing with enterprises from Brazil, Russia and US.

Now, the time for public support is coming. Everyone can vote for Corinth in World Cup Tech Challenge 2015 till June 3rd. The grand finals takes places in Mountain View, Silicon Valley on June 4th. Help the Czech innovation transform global publishing industry!

This year, Corinth confirmed the position of the world’s leading innovator in publishing and educational technology. The renowned Software and Information Association (SIIA) has recognized Corinth as the second most innovative company in the American market. Besides that, Corinth has won European Appcup and is waiting for Tell Us Awards finals in Paris.

You can watch Corinth’s contest video here.

You can vote for Corinth in World Cup Tech Challenge here.


Corinth App

Corinth App

Corinth Classroom

Corinth Classroom