CZEXPATS Interview: Lukáš Kroulík, artist, photographer and personal style advisor
10.08.2023 / 13:45 | Aktualizováno: 11.08.2023 / 18:10
What's it like hosting balls for London's elite? Which celebrity does he most value working with? And what did he receive an award for from Prince Phillip? About all this and more in our interview with Lukáš Kroulík.
Lukáš Kroulík is a successful artist dedicated to photography and styling. He comes from East Bohemia and graduated from London‘s prestigious University of the Arts. In London, he was responsible for the recreation of Queen Charlotte's debutante balls, exhibited at the famous Summer Exhibition, and worked with various celebrities coming from Britain, Europe and the rest of the world, helping them to build their image and lead successful lives.
Around 100,000 people of Czech citizenship or origin currently lives in the United Kingdom. Among them, we can find many important personalities, but also individuals with unique personal stories. We decided to introduce you the most interesting of them in our project “CZEXPATS Interviews”, this time with artist, photographer and personal style advisor Lukáš Kroulík.