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Photo: Czech Embassy in Ljubljana
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Commemoration of Václav Havel in Ljubljana

On December 13, the Czech Embassy commemorated the 10th anniversary of Václav Havel’s death at a bench installed in the Northern City Park in Ljubljana. Ambassador Juraj Chmiel, together with the President of National Assembly Alojz Kovšca lit candles to remember the late president.

It has been 10 years since Václav Havel (1936-2011), playwright, dissident, passionate defender of human rights, president of Czechoslovakia and later of the Czech Republic, passed away. Significant personalities, such as the President of National Assembly, Alojz Kovšca, Director of Amnesty International Nataša Posel, State Secretary of PM for Foreign Affairs Igor Senčar, Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Leon Marc, as well as ambassadors of Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, head of the US Embassy, and representative of Hungarian Embassy, gathered to commemorate Václav Havel in the Northern City Park.

Václav Havel’s Bench in Ljubljana was ceremonially unveiled in 2018 in the park where a United Growing Books of the World memorial has erected in 2000. One part of this project was dedicated to Czech literature, represented by Václav Havel with an extract from his renowned Power of the Powerless essay.

Alojz Kovsca's Speech on Václav Havel (PDF, 409 KB)


Vaclav Havel Commemoration 2021