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UNPOC Slovenia 2014

The second international basic training of policemen was held in the training center in Gotenica on November 10 -21, 2014, named UNPOC Slovenia 2014. The UNPOC Slovenia 2014 took place on the basis of Czech – Slovenian initiative of Ministries of Interior. The policemen will be able to participate in UN peace missions. 20 policemen attended the training (11 policemen from Slovenia  - out of which 2 policewomen, 2 policemen from Macedonia, 2 policemen from Serbia, one policeman from Slovakia, Croatina , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monte Negro (policewoman) and the Czech Republic).  Lieut. Marcel Poláček from Department of Policing and Criminal Investigation in Olomouc gave a closing speech in the name of all the participants during the final evaluation and certificate handover. H. E. the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Mrs. Věra Zemanová participated at the closing ceremony.