Statement of the MFA on the Elections of Palestinian National Authority President


The Czech Republic congratulates the Palestinian people on regular and undisturbed Presidential elections and considers this step as a positive sign of the establishing Palestinian democracy and the rule of law.(11/1/2005)

The Czech Republic congratulates the Palestinian people on regular and undisturbed Presidential elections. The Foreign Ministry considers this step a positive sign of the establishing Palestinian democracy and the rule of law.

The Czech MFA appreciates the legitimate and democratic elections of Palestinian National Authority Leader. The high participation of voters and number of votes in favour of Mahmoud Abbas have given the new Palestinian leadership a strong mandate for further reforms of the Palestinian National Authority and for the renewal of the peace process in Near East.

The Czech Republic will continue to support the process of political, security and economic transformation on the Palestinian Autonomous Territories, as well as the efforts of the Palestinian National Authority leading to peace and to a solution of the conflict between Izrael and Palestine based on the Road Map peace plan. The creation of two independent states living side by side in peace and security should be the purpose of these efforts, supported by the whole international community.

Unofficial translation
