Statement of Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the arrest of 26 dissidents in Cuba


On July 22, 2005, Cuban authorities arrested 26 members of opposition groups and activists who were about to convey their request for the release of political prisoners by a peaceful demonstration. Some of the arrestees were freed after a few days, but a number of them are still in confinement. (11:45, 26.7.2005)

On July 22, 2005, Cuban authorities arrested 26 members of opposition groups and activists who were about to convey their request for the release of political prisoners by a peaceful demonstration. Some of the arrestees were freed after a few days, but a number of them are still in confinement. This is another attempt by the Cuban Government to repress democratic movement and civil society after cracking down on opposition demonstrations on July 13, 2005.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic expresses grave concern over this new wave of repression against members of the political opposition and civil society in Cuba and appeals to the Cuban Government not only to release the people arrested on July 22, 2005, but also to release all political prisoners and to observe unalienable human rights.

The Czech Republic will further appeal for improvement concerning unalienable human rights and freedoms in Cuba, among other things through its contacts with official Cuban representatives and representatives of Cuban political opposition and civil society. The Czech Republic will also assert active policy aimed at the support of Cuban democratic movement within the EU platform.

(unofficial translation)
