105th anniversary of the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak state
05.11.2023 / 08:05 | Aktualizováno: 05.11.2023 / 08:07
28th October is a historic milestone in the Czech history. This year, on this day, we commemorated the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak state. CZ CG Erbil had the honour to host a national reception in Erbil under the auspices of the public diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
Life in the Middle East is very unpredictable, and it was possible to notice the palpable oppressive atmosphere of current events in the region. Despite this reality, the reception was held in a friendly atmosphere, and we were able to welcome together approximately three hundred guests who accepted our invitation.
Among the guests were ministers of the Kurdistan Regional Government, representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organisations, and NGOs, including those with a Czech footprint, local church leaders and, finally, representatives of the home business community.
In his speech, the Consul General thanked all those present for accepting our invitation. He recalled the historical line between the Czech Republic and the Kurdistan Region. He did not forget to mention the projects in which the Czech Republic is actively involved and highlighted future bilateral cooperation. He also mentioned the MILLION OAKS climate project, which CZ CG Erbil has been supporting for a long time. Speaking on behalf of the regional government was the Head of the Foreign Relations Department, H.E. Safeem Dizayee, who also mentioned the historical role of the Czech Republic in bilateral relations and congratulated the Czech Republic on its national holiday on behalf of the regional government. This year the national anthems were performed by the young Kurdish violinist Mr. Reman Salar.
During the reception, countless conversations, selfies, and posters took place. The need for sharing moments is very strong in the Kurdistan Region. Each of the guests was able to take away a gift of a handmade paper commemorative certificate illustrating the symbol of freedom and independence of the newly formed state as they left the reception.
CZ CG Erbil would like to thank all the partners who contributed to the reception: Shireen, Kavin Group, Galiawa Group, Vara, Dekonta, Hudy sport, Budweiser Budvar, State Printing Works of Securities, Divan hotel, Raid, Spielberg and, Mr. Jiří Šůla.
Consul General Karel Kortánek thanks the staff of the CZ CG Erbil for their work in realizing Czech public diplomacy activities in the Kurdistan Region.