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Meeting of former students from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in the Czechia and Slovakia

On the occasion of the anniversary of 2018, a meeting of Czech and Slovak Alumni from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in Czechoslovakia, as well as in the Czech Republic and Slovakia took place in the famous Dawa 2 Restaurant in Erbil on 11 December 2018.


On the occasion of the anniversary of 2018, a meeting of Czech and Slovak Alumni from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in Czechoslovakia, as well as in the Czech Republic and Slovakia took place in the famous Dawa 2 Restaurant in Erbil on 11 December 2018. The wives had got an opportunity to join as well for the first time. This approach was welcomed by all attendees.

The friendly meeting brought an opportunity for participants to learn about the current state of mutual relations between the Czech Republic and the Region of Iraqi Kurdistan, to learn about the plans of activities for the coming period and to get acquainted with the new staff of the Consulate General.



Setkání Alumni 2018