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Looking back to 2024 in the "wild" Kurdistan region

The year 2024 is over, and Czech CG Erbil brings a small look back at the past year, marking the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI).

We are pleased that in 2024 we saw products that are important exports of the Czech Republic in the KRI market. These still include light construction machinery produced in Czechia and automotive products. While we may not match the quantity of our European colleagues, it is nevertheless gratifying that we can enjoy a "Czech draft beer" in Erbil, have a cup of good coffee in Czech porcelain, or raise a glass made of Czech crystal. According to company owners and importers, sales numbers are growing, which is a positive sign.

The issue of the water industry continues to be our main focus. Although not as visible in the past year, it is still an area regularly discussed at the highest bilateral levels between the Czech Republic and the KRI. We believe that 2025 will bring a strengthening of these activities and will be a breakthrough year. Inshallah!

Almost every time you meet with representatives of the regional government, you will come across the issue of tourism in your conversations. Millions of tourists from federal Iraq visit the KRI every year, but less than half a million tourists are from abroad. The KRI has a lot to offer, especially outside the city of Erbil. However, there is still a lack of infrastructure to target this segment and significantly boost regional development. We again visited the now almost iconic autumn pomegranate festival, the Hanar Festival.

Once again, we were successful in fulfilling the activities of the Czech Republic's Reconstruction Programme for the Middle East. As part of a small-scale project for 2024, together with the NGO Rwanga Foundation, we renovated a primary school in the small village of Qafar (Erbil governorate), and a tied financial donation (TFD) went to Rozhawa Emergency Hospital in Erbil. In partnership with the Association of Medical Device Manufacturers and Suppliers, specifically Comedeq Ltd, we provided a one-day surgical clinic as TFD. With the increasing population in Erbil, dozens of accidents are unfortunately occurring daily, creating a strain on the two emergency hospitals designed to receive these patients.

Under the umbrella of the MEDEVAC program by the Czech Ministry of Interior, a team of doctors with a focus on obstetrics and anesthesiology visited Erbil. Together, we visited two hospitals and held a block of lectures on the aforementioned topics. The very successful mission left positive feedback among the seminar participants, and we hope to follow up in 2025.

Public diplomacy was also very successful. Czech CG Erbil realized an exhibition dedicated to Franz Kafka, the Erbil Folklore Ensemble participated in the prestigious folklore festival in Strážnice, the annual meeting of former students from the KRI in Czechoslovakia, and last but not least, the national reception in September 2024.

The year 2024 focused on activities supporting the status of women in society and combating violence against women. We organized a one-day seminar on women's empowerment and employment in the business field as part of the implementation of Agenda 2030. We made several visits to women-led NGOs, whose activities are focused on women's rights in the KRI.

Finally, together with our EU colleagues, we visited a shelter for women who were in difficult life situations and faced domestic violence.

Speaking of non-profits, Czech CG Erbil continues to be a proud partner of the Million Oaks project, which we have long supported, sharing common values on climate change.

There were numerous activities in 2024, and not everything fit into this summary. However, we strive to keep our social networks (https://www.facebook.com/CZErbil/, https://www.instagram.com/czerbil/, https://x.com/CzechErbil) up-to-date to keep our followers informed.

Finally, I would like to personally thank all those who have been helpful and supportive of Czech CG Erbil activities during 2024. Zor Supas!


Looking back 2024