First part of the group of wounded soldiers/Peshmerga selected for medical treatment in the Czech Republic left Erbil
08.10.2017 / 12:38 | Aktualizováno: 10.12.2017 / 13:03
On September 23, 2017, the first part of the group of selected wounded soldiers / Peshmerga from Region of Iraqi Kurdistan (RIK) left Erbil by a special flight of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the Czech Republic for medical treatment in the Czech Republic. These are soldiers whose injuries can not be treated in the RIK. Treatment will take place at the Central Military Hospital (CMH) in Prague and is funded by the MoD of the Czech Republic within "Program for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Wounded Military Personnel of Partner Countries in the Czech Republic". The air transport was carried out on the basis of the Government Decision No.654 of 20 July 2016. The terms of treatment are regulated by the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the MoD and the Ministry of Pehsmerga (MoP) of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). In this connection, a Technical Agreement between the MoD of the Czech Republic and the KRG was also signed to ensure flight conditions.
The action was preceded by a long-term preparation with active participation of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Erbil. Injured soldiers went through the overall screening of the CMH doctors/specialists who came directly to Erbil and selected those whose injuries are not treatable in the RIK but are treatable in the Czech Republic. The aforementioned documents - the MoU and the Technical Agreement - were drafted and signed.
For the Consulate General, Madam E. Drdáková, Consul General, and other diplomats were present at the airport. For the MoP KRG it was Major General Muhsin Rashid. Soldiers / Peshmergas were accompanied to the Czech Republic by a military doctor and interpreter Dr. Dana Ali. Boarding the aircraft and departure of soldiers was supervised by the coordinator of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic Col. MUDr. Richard Kraus, who arrived to Erbil several days in advance, to make sure with all the local contacts that the event was logistically secured. The event took place in a very professional manner with the assistance of the aircraft personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic.
As the transport of the second part of the selected group of soldiers / Peshmergas is expected in the near future, we are looking forward to further cooperation.