Dignified celebration of the National Day on October 28, 2020
22.10.2020 / 16:30 | Aktualizováno: 07.06.2021 / 12:36
The Consulate General of Czechia in Erbil prepared a formal celebration of the Czech National Day in a new form with strict compliance to existing pandemic measures of the Ministry of Health of the Kurdistan Regional Government to limit the spread of Sars-cov-2 (COVID19).
This year, the celebrations of the National Day of 28 October were held with regards to the weather a week earlier, on 20 October 2020 outside, on the terrace of the Divan Erbil Hotel, in shorter, approximately one-hour event, in the form of a limited number of seated guests, with face masks, with disinfection stations and catering provided exclusively in the form of take-away food boxes (of course including the typical apple strudel) at the end of the event. All guests received as a gift specially and stylish made face masks with a small embroidery of the Czech flag and other practical means.
The present representatives of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Kurdistan Parliament especially acknowledged the video greeting of Foreign Minister T. Petříček on the National Day, in which the Minister also focused on the very good level of mutual relations between the Czech Republic and Iraqi Kurdistan and mentioned the attention paid to its further development in several areas, including supporting the development of economic and trade relations.
At the cultural part of the event, a pre-recorded 25-minute video of a musical performance of Bardolino music ensemble specifically for Kurdistan and this year's National Day celebrations was screened.
The guests appreciated the unique event in the pandemic year, very good organization, quality program and all health measures.
Within the celebration event, the humanitarian aid and development cooperation projects of the Czech Republic implemented in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the province of Nineveh in recent years were presented. Representatives of Czech companies active in Kurdistan were also given space for their promotion.