Czechia supports the women empowerment in the Kurdistan Region (IQ)
09.06.2024 / 13:15 | Aktualizováno: 09.06.2024 / 13:17
On 5th June 2024, CZ CG Erbil, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and in cooperation with the High Council for Women and Development (Kurdistan Regional Government), organized a seminar on "Business Coaching for Women". This project was held under the umbrella of #Agenda2030 implementation and was also funded by this program. Quality Education and Gender Equality. This was the main idea of this project and at the same time these were two certain goals that we chose in the implementation of #PA2030 from the Sustainable Development Goals.
The seminar was attended by two dozen young women who are at the beginning of their business careers in the middle of a highly competitive environment with persistent Middle Eastern cultural markers regarding the status of women in society. Fortunately, in the Kurdistan Region (IQ) the situation is changing, it can be said for the better, and we can increasingly observe the public or private sector of local women in society.
With this activity, CZ CG Erbil has become a proud actor, joining other like-minded diplomatic missions that promote the empowerment of women, equality of access to quality education and organize projects to implement #Agenda2030. The one-day seminar focused on developing personal and professional potential, management skills and abilities. The workshop "Business Coaching for Women" included a theoretical as well as a practical part. The participants gained know-how and the ability to transfer their knowledge and experience into business practice.
CZ CG Erbil would like to thank everyone who participated in the realization of this project, and we look forward to future cooperation.