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Czech Statehood Day in Erbil

Czech Statehood Day traditionally belongs on 28 September. Under the auspices of public diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, it was an honour for Czech CG in Erbil to organise a reception at the Divan Hotel on the occasion of this national holiday this year.

Unfortunately, the whole event was adversely affected by the unprovoked attack by Iranian suicide drones and missiles on the centre of Koya and various places in the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah. However, after discussions with the Diplomatic Protocol, we found a compromise on the conditions under which to hold the reception considering current events in the Kurdistan Region.

Despite all the complications that occurred just a few hours before the actual opening of the reception, Czech CG in Erbil was able to officially welcome the first guests, after 6 pm, which in the final count were more than 300.  

Our invitation was accepted by the ministers of the regional government, members of the KRI Parliament, representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations and non-governmental non-profit organizations operating in the Kurdistan Region, including those with a Czech footprint, local church leaders and, last but not least, a well-represented business community.

In view of the tragic events that preceded the opening of the reception, the course of the reception was significantly altered, and all the festive features were omitted. The Consul General began by thanking all those present for their participation and understanding and expressed his respect and solidarity for the Kurdistan Region. Nevertheless, one exceptional moment was left out. As this was a national holiday of the Czech Republic and the Czech CG operates in the territory of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the Czech, Iraqi and Kurdish national anthems could not be missed, which were performed in opera, played and sung live. Czech, Arabic and Kurdish rang out through the gardens and on the faces of many guests one could see surprise, perhaps even slight astonishment. The applause at the end was the greatest reward for the performers.

Countless conversations, selfies, posts, and tweets took place during the evening. The need to share was evident everywhere. As is desirable for today's times. At the end of the reception, each guest was able to take away a gift of a handmade paper depicting the image of St. Wenceslas as a reminder of the 2022 Czech Statehood Day reception.        

Czech CG in Erbil would like to thank all the partners who made the reception possible: Shereen, Galliawa Group, Fly Erbil, Vara, Bohemian Heritage Fund, Budweiser, Divan hotel, State Printing Works of Securities, Raid, Spielberg and Mr. Jiří Šůla. Czech CG in Erbil also thanks the partner project MILLION OAKS.

Consul General Mr. Karel Kortánek personally expresses his grateful thanks to the performers from RUN OPERUN for their artistic performances and to the staff of the Czech Consulate for their dedicated work in preparing the Czech Public Diplomacy Week in the Kurdistan Region.


Den české státnosti v Erbílu