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Alumni 2022

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Erbil hosted a traditional event for former students graduated at universities in Czechoslovakia, Czechia or Slovakia living in Kurdistan region and Iraq on May 17th, 2022, in hotel Rotana - Erbil.

The Czech Consulate General - Erbil has on the list 33 names of the former students. We were happy that 18 of them confirmed and attended.   

It was interesting to listen to many stories from alumni. In their stories, there were feelings of nostalgia because they spent an amazing time in Czechia (Czechoslovakia). One of them told us that it had been a great decision to go to study in Europe. I really appreciate their knowledge of the Czech language even though they studied in the language more than 50 years ago.

Many alumni expressed, especially the seniors, their wish to visit our consulate and speak in Czech language. The pleasure will be on our side and, of course, we will accomplish this wish.

Consulate General thanks all alumni who has accepted our invitation. Great thanks to hotel Rotana and DFR-KRG. In addition, last but not the least, my thanks to my staff for their work on this event.
